hello! this is SCs creator speaking! considering this neocities is about SC i thought it would be a good idea to have a small space to answer some possibly common questions.
Q: is this an rp thing?
A: yes? and also kind of no. the purpose of the site/SC is to help me with my boredom. SC is my oc (original character) and not myself. yes, i do rp somewhat as SC as theyre a part of a group of my friends characters, but not on neocities. the Neocities is more of a, "if this character of mine had a website, what would be on it?"
Q: are all the stuff on the info links yours? (Blog(s), DA, Music)
A: Yep! all of the art, gifs and music featured on this site will have either been made my me, or by another member of the group im in. all of it will have credits to the corresponding member. (the layout i used for the Neocities can be found Here!.
Q: why would you make so much stuff for just one character???????
A: autism.
I hope this has helped you somewhat! reach out to me on Discord: -Solitaire-#2467
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